Fridge Door Seals and FiltaSeal

Fridge Door Seal Replacement - FiltaSeal - Commercial Kitchens UK.

Like the tyres on your vehicle the rubber seals on fridges are a vital part of the refrigeration system. Commercial fridge seals will need replacing and when they do FiltaSeal are here to help.

It may be a part of the kitchen that gets overlooked but the fridge door gasket – also known as the fridge seal or freezer seal – is a crucial component to an efficient, compliant and safe kitchen.

Why You Should Replace Fridge Seals

Fridge door seals are what fridges need to seal properly – allowing them to regulate temperature and preserve energy. A failing seal will prevent the fridge from keeping temperature which could damage stock. A failed fridge seal will also force the fridge to work harder and use more energy as it tries to maintain temperature. In addition to stock-wastage and energy-use there is also the issue of food safety compliance issue. If you’re running a commercial kitchen you know that one of the first areas of a kitchen that an environmental health officer (EHO) often inspects is the refrigeration units to ensure they are clean, well-functioning and compliant.

Why You Should Replace Fridge Seals - Filta Environmental UK

Why Use FiltaSeal?

FiltaSeal is a unique service from pioneers in Environmental Innovation the Filta Group. FiltaSeal comprises a national fleet of technicians who can replace any seal on the day – first time. They can do this by carrying a patented seal making machine in the van. This allows them to make any seal for almost any fridge and fit it on the day. By making the seal directly onsite the cost often works out up to 40% cheaper when compared with competitor or OEM solutions.


Not only that FiltaSeal is used by 1000s of sites every year across the UK and is a unique service provided by the Filta Group. “Once a customer starts using us we find they stay with us, they come for the cost-saving but they stay for the service as it’s so easy – and it’s always a first-time fix” – Edward Palin, FiltaSeal’s Sales Director.

Fridge Door Seal Specialists

Fridge Door Seal Specialists - Filta UK

Filta have been providing kitchen environmental innovation for over 20 years. For more information about our refrigeration seal replacement service and products or to talk to the refrigeration seal experts give us a call now on 08452 022 999 or contact us online today.